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26uuu色 外洋顶刊 |《政事科学年鉴》2022年第25卷(下)
发布日期:2024-09-27 21:06    点击次数:75

26uuu色 外洋顶刊 |《政事科学年鉴》2022年第25卷(下)







本期外欧化部为内行带来了Annual Review of Political Science(ARPS,《政事科学年鉴》)2022年第25卷著作编译。



Annual Review of Political Science(ARPS,《政事科学年鉴》)自 1998 年开动出书,涵盖了政事科学规模的要紧发展,包括政事表面和政事形而上学、外洋关系、政事经济学、政事步履、好意思国政事和比较政事、寰球束缚和策略以及方法论的相关骨子。该刊第 25 卷(2022年)照旧通过 Annual Reviews 的 Subscribe to Open 面容从付费订阅看望(Subscribe)转为灵通看望(Open Access),通盘著作王人以 CCBY 许可式样出书。从 1998 年开动的卷期,现可免费获取。该刊绝大多数稿件来自裁剪委员会的约稿,少量刊发自投稿件。该刊在《科睿唯安 2021 年期刊援用回报》(Clarivate JCR2021)中 JIF=12.077,在 188 种政事科学类(Political Science-SSCI)期刊中排行第 1(Q1)。



1. Historical Persistence


2. Automation, Digitalization, and Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace: Implications for Political Behavior


3. Immigration and Globalization (and Deglobalization)


4. Emotion and Politics: Noncognitive Psychological Biases in Public Opinion


5. A Framework for the Study of Persuasion


6. International Statebuilding and the Domestic Politics of State Development


7. Testing Causal Theories with Learned Proxies


8. Government Responsiveness in Developing Countries


9. Political Theory Rediscovers Public Administration


10. Three Faces of Climate Justice


11. Race in International Relations: Beyond the“Norm Against Noticing”


12. Does Democracy Matter?


13. Las Vidas Negras Importan: Centering Blackness and Racial Politics in Latin American Research




01 历史捏久性


Historical Persistence


Alexandra Cirone and Thomas B. Pepinsky



本文追忆了政事学和相关社会科学中对于历史捏久性的文件。历史捏久性是指 (a) 在十年或更永劫期的时间圭臬上运作和 (b) 解释政事、经济或社会收尾空间变化的因果效应。尽管政事学家老是从历史中接纳灵感,但历史捏久性文件代表了社会科学历史斟酌的一种新方法,它青睐可靠的因果推理斟酌瞎想。咱们平时鉴戒现代政事学和经济学文件,商讨了区域和国度领域、起原进的斟酌瞎想、分析和推理的挑战以及捏久性的机制和表面。

This article reviews the literature on historical persistence in political science and the related social sciences. Historical persistence refers to causal effects that (a) operate over time scales of a decade or more and (b) explain spatial variation in political, economic, or social outcomes. Although political scientists have always drawn from history, the historical persistence literature represents a new approach to historical research in the social sciences that places a premium on credible research designs for causal inference. We discuss regional and national coverage, state-of-the-art research designs, analytical and inferential challenges, and mechanisms and theories of persistence, drawing broadly from the contemporary literature in political science and economics.




Automation, Digitalization, and Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace: Implications for Political Behavior


Aina Gallego and Thomas Kurer



New technologies have been a key driver of labor market change in recent  decades. There are renewed concerns that technological developments in areas such as robotics and artificial intelligence will destroy jobs and create political upheaval.  This article reviews the vibrant debate about the economic consequences of recent technological change and then discusses research about how digitalization may affect political participation, vote choice, and policy preferences. It is increasingly well established that routine workers have been the main losers of recent technological change and disproportionately support populist parties. However, at the same time, digitalization also creates a large group of economic winners who support the political status quo. The mechanisms connecting technology-related workplace risks to  political behavior and policy demands are less well understood. Voters may fail to fully comprehend the relative importance of different causes of structural economic change and misattribute blame to other factors. We conclude with a list of pressing research questions.




Immigration and Globalization (and Deglobalization)


David Leblang and Margaret E. Peters



Immigration policy is often portrayed as a zero-sum trade-off between labor and capital or between high- and low-skilled labor. Many have attributed the rise of populist politicians and populist movements to immigrants and/or immigration policy. While immigration has distributional implications, we argue that something is clearly missing from the discussion: the fact that migrants are an engine of globalization, especially for countries in the Global South. Migration and migrant networks serve to expand economic markets, distribute information across national borders, and diffuse democratic norms and practices throughout the world, increasing trade and investment flows. We further argue that many commentators have got the causal relationship  backward: Instead of immigration reducing support for globalization, we argue that trade, financial flows, and offshoring have reduced support for immigration among the elite and a vocal plurality of citizens in the Global North.




Emotion and Politics: Noncognitive Psychological Biases in Public Opinion


Steven W. Webster and Bethany Albertson



Contemporary politics is noteworthy for its emotional character. Emotions  shape and, in turn, are elicited by partisan polarization, public opinion, and political attitudes. In this article, we outline recent work in the field of emotion and politics with an emphasis on the relationship between emotion and polarization, issue attitudes, information processing, and views on democratic governance. We also highlight a growing body of scholarship that examines the racial and gender differences in emotion’s ability to affect political behavior.We conclude with a discussion of unaddressed questions and suggestions for future directions for scholars working in this area of growing importance.


05 劝服斟酌的一个框架


A Framework for the Study of Persuasion


James N. Druckman



Persuasion is a vital part of politics—who wins elections and policy disputes  often depends on which side can persuade more people. Given this centrality, the study of persuasion has a long history with an enormous number of theories and empirical inquiries. However, the literature is fragmented, with few generalizable findings. I unify previously disparate dimensions of this topic by presenting a framework focusing on actors (speakers and receivers), treatments (topics, content, media), outcomes (attitudes, behaviors, emotions,identities), and settings (competition, space, time,process,culture). This Generalizing Persuasion (GP) Framework organizes distinct findings and offers researchers a structure in which to situate their work. I conclude with a discussion of the normative implications of persuasion.


06 外洋国度诞生与国度发展的国内务治


International State-building and the Domestic Politics of State Development


Melissa M. Lee



Managing the threat of violence remains a central concern in international  security and development. International actors seek to terminate civil wars and prevent conflict recurrence by building peace and strengthening state institutions. In this article, I review the scholarship on international statebuilding, defined broadly as external efforts to create, strengthen, reform, and transform the authority structures of the state. Much of this literature models international statebuilding as provision, in which external actors provide a solution to the enforcement problem that plagues postconflict bargains.However, in many cases, the assumptions about domestic politics underpinning the provision model do not hold. When the central problem of domestic politics concerns bargaining over the distributional consequences of the peace rather than the parties’ ability to credibly commit to the peace, international statebuilding is more fruitfully modeled as imposition, in which terms are imposed on recalcitrant domestic actors. The imposition model allows the preferences of external actors over the postwar order to diverge from the preferences of domestic actors. Divergence arises because statebuilding interventions have distributional consequences that threaten the interests of domestic elites.To unpack why this is the case, I turn to the literature on the domestic politics of statebuilding, which shows that governance arrangements that appear to outsiders as weak statehood can help manage violence by facilitating the distribution of sovereignty rents. Insights from these literatures suggest exciting new avenues for future scholarship.


07 用习得性代理主见测试因果关系表面


Testing Causal Theories with Learned Proxies


Dean Knox, Christopher Lucas, and Wendy K. Tam Cho



Social scientists commonly use computational models to estimate proxies of  unobserved concepts, then incorporate these proxies into subsequent tests of their theories. The consequences of this practice, which occurs in over two-thirds of recent computational work in political science, are underappreciated. Imperfect proxies can reflect noise and contamination from other concepts, producing biased point estimates and standard errors.We demonstrate how analysts can use causal diagrams to articulate theoretical concepts and their relationships to estimated proxies, then apply straightforward rules to assess which conclusions are rigorously supportable.We formalize and extend common heuristics for “signing the bias”—a technique for reasoning about unobserved confounding—to scenarios with imperfect proxies. Using these tools, we demonstrate how, in often-encountered research settings,  proxy-based analyses allow for valid tests for the existence and direction of  theorized effects. We conclude with best-practice recommendations for the rapidly growing literature using learned proxies to test causal theories.


08 发展中国度的政府复兴才能


Government Responsiveness in Developing Countries


Guy Grossman and Tara Slough



When and how do governments deliver public goods and services in response to citizen preferences? We review the current literature on government responsiveness, with a focus on public goods and service delivery in developing countries. We identify three types of actors that are commonly present in these accounts: politicians, bureaucrats, and citizens. Much of this literature examines interactions between dyads of these actors. The study of electoral accountability and constituency services emphasizes relationships between citizens (or voters) and politicians. Studies of bureaucratic incentives and political oversight of bureaucrats emphasize interactions between politicians and bureaucrats. Finally, studies of bureaucratic embeddedness  and citizen oversight of bureaucrats elaborate the interactions between bureaucrats and citizens. We argue that an emerging literature that considers interactions between all three types of actors provides rich theoretical and empirical terrain for developing our understanding of responsiveness and accountability in low- and middle-income countries and beyond.


09 政事表面对寰球行政的再发现


Political Theory Rediscovers Public Administration


Bernardo Zacka



Political theory is rediscovering the colossus of public administration—the vast public service and regulatory bureaucracies and their countless employees and extensions that conduct the daily business of government. This review explains how something so visible could ever have fallen from view, and surveys four burgeoning areas of research. These pertain to the legitimacy of public administration, to the articulation of standards of good government distinct from good public policy, to the analysis of how the moral agency of bureaucrats is implicated and undermined by the everyday operation of bureaucratic agencies, and to how we should conceptualize the state when we apprehend it through the seemingly banal routines of administration.  What emerges from this body of work is a picture of the executive bureaucracy as an object of normative, critical, and conceptual inquiry on a par with the other two branches of government, the legislature and the judiciary.


10 征象正义的三个面向


Three Faces of Climate Justice


Nives Dolšak and Aseem Prakash



There is overwhelming consensus about the science of climate change. Climate politics, however, remains volatile, driven by perceptions of injustice, which motivate policy resistance and undermine policy legitimacy. We identify three types of injustice.  The first pertains to the uneven exposure to climate change impacts across countries and communities within a country. Socially, politically, and economically disadvantaged communities that have contributed the least to the climate crisis tend to be affected the most. To address climate change and its impacts, countries and subnational units have enacted a range of policies. But even carefully designed mitigation and adaptation policies distribute costs (the second justice dimension) and benefits (the third justice dimension) unevenly across sectors and communities,  often reproducing existing inequalities. Climate justice requires paying careful attention to who bears the costs and who gets the benefits of both climate inaction and action. 


11 外洋关系中的种族斟酌:超越“反对精明的表率”


Race in International Relations: Beyond the“Norm Against Noticing”


Bianca Freeman, D.G. Kim, and David A. Lake



The global movement for racial justice and the rise of anti-Asian hate at the  height of the pandemic have called new attention to race and racism in international politics. Although critical theorists have decried the “norm against  noticing,” other scholars of international relations have long sidestepped the possible role of race in shaping contemporary international affairs. New studies of hierarchy in international relations open the door for new understandings of race in world politics.We propose an analytic framework for the relationship between racial hierarchy, international law, and foreign policy, demonstrating that race can help explain patterns of interstate interactions that sustain an unequal global order. Positing two faces of racism in international relations, we examine how race biases international law in practice and affects the assessment of foreign threats and national interest.We discuss key methodological challenges in empirical research on race in international relations, focusing on issues of measurement, aggregation, and causation.


12 民主过错吗?


Does Democracy Matter?


John Gerring, Carl Henrik Knutsen, and Jonas Berge



Does democracy matter for normatively desirable outcomes? We survey results from 1,100 cross-country analyses drawn from 600 journal articles published after the year 2000. These analyses are conducted on 30 distinct outcomes pertaining to social policy, economic policy, citizenship and human rights, military and criminal justice, and overall governance. Across these diverse outcomes, most studies report either a positive or null relationship with democracy. However, there is evidence of threshold bias, suggesting that reported findings may reflect a somewhat exaggerated image of democracy’s effects. Additionally, democratic effects are more likely to be found for outcomes that are easily attained than for those that lie beyond the reach of government but are often of great normative importance. We also find that outcomes measured by subjective indicators show a stronger positive relationship with democracy than outcomes that are measured or proxied by more objective indicators.


13 黑东说念主的命亦然命:聚焦拉丁好意思洲斟酌中的黑东说念主与种族政事


Las Vidas Negras Importan: Centering Blackness and Racial Politics in Latin American Research


Danielle Pilar Clealand



Racial disparities in Latin America exist in poverty levels, income, education, infant mortality, political representation, access to social services, and other key indicators. However, researchers in comparative politics face an uphill challenge to prioritize racial politics in studies of democratization, democratic consolidation, representation, and even social movements and inequality, despite racial hierarchies being quite harmful to democracy in Latin America. This article argues for the centering of Black politics and racial hierarchies in Latin American politics and highlights recent literature to map just how that can be done. More than adding race as a variable or a control, we must understand racial identification and anti-Black racism in Latin America: how they operate, and how they influence, complicate, motivate, affirm, and inspire politics. In this article, I address (a) why we should center racial politics in Latin American politics, (b) how comparative racial scholars have centered Black politics, (c) the methodologies necessary to accurately measure racial identification, and (d) recent research that examines the interplay between racial self-identification, Black group consciousness, and voting behavior.


翻  译:郝若雯 李璐雅 石寒冰

校  对:郝若雯 李璐雅 石寒冰26uuu色
